1 Hour Mood Boost

Some days are just those days… they show up and we feel less energy, less interested, less motivated and maybe a little overwhelming but you can’t pinpoint exactly why. We can’t figure out how to ‘get ourselves back on track’. Try not to wait for the ‘perfect plan’ or ‘the right answer’ to show up… just decide that you’re going to take an hour (or so) and try a few things. We call this ‘behavioral activation’ in therapy - even if you don’t really want to go and do that simple task or small behavior, you go ahead and take it on. One small step toward being where you want to be often leads to the next steps following.

One important thing to note here, however, is that If this feeling persists, it’s definitely a pattern to bring up with your therapist. If you’re experiencing this daily or near daily, you can’'t quite shake it and/or find that it extends beyond a couple of weeks… please reach out to your counselor or therapist to get some professional help with moving forward.


3 Minutes - Take some time to turn off notifications on your devices or set on ‘do not disturb’.  Take a few deep 4-7-8 breaths (inhale through your nose for 4-count, hold for 7-count, exhale through your mouth for 8-count).

12 Minutes - Play some favorite tunes - try to choose music that helps you get motivated, energized or is genuinely soothing…. rather than the sad songs that are maybe going to get you back into a blue mood zone.

10 Minutes - Move your body…. dance to above selected music - or take a walk around the block, get on the stationary bike for ten minutes, go around and grab the laundry you’ve been meaning to gather, do some yoga stretches or jumping jacks, etc.

5 Minutes - Make a gratitude list.. what are you grateful for? Challenge yourself to write down 5-10 things, no matter how simple. You can mentally list them, but writing them down builds the neural pathways that make gratitude listing more ingrained.

10 Minutes - Take a mindful or guided meditation break. Set a timer on your phone and find a mindful activity or app-based guided meditation. See my post link on active meditation practices for ideas.

15 Minutes - Spend time outside.. if you haven’t already in the last ten minute segment, get outside. Go for a relaxing walk, sit on your porch or deck, stroll through the yard or around the block.  Use your senses and see, hear, smell what’s around you.  

5 Minutes - Do something that might be a ‘good deed’… put the dishes away for your roommate or partner, feed the birds in your yard, plan a nice gesture for someone you care for, text or email a quick ‘hello’ or ‘love you’ to a family member or friend (yep, can turn the device back on for this:)

To Note:

*Can do this in any order - do what works for you.

* More ideas: make a cup of tea, drink water, stretch, read an article you’ve been meaning to read (not a stressful one), get a quick mindful snack, walk your dog or cuddle with our cat/pet, etc..

*Make a ‘mood boost plan’ to have on cue as needed for these times.

Best, Jenn

*The information presented in this blog is intended for general knowledge and use only.  It should not take the place of medical, clinical advice or licensed therapy.  To find a licensed practitioner in your area, the Psychology Today Directory is an excellent resource. 


Flexible Thinking vs Rigid Thinking


Active Mindfulness Practices